Insanity | Week 2 Day 1

April 5, 2010

Today was Cardio Power and Resistance and it rocked me just as hard this time as the first time, though I feel like I performed a bit better. I have a lot of trouble with what I call plank sprints, where you are in push-up position and you simulate running. But I will get it with time. Lots of push-ups, lots of jumping, and, of course, cardio. It’s a great workout, to say the least.

I like how they have a lot of people in the videos too. In P90X, there are always just three people behind Tony Horton, and that’s fine and all…but the more people back there, the more variation…the more differentiation. The more that you will see struggle…or excellence. And you can feed off of that.

I was reading Tyler’s blog ( and came across a great bit of advice that he put together for weight loss. His whole deal is “practical weight loss,” which I think makes the most sense from what I have seen in all my years of reading advice on the subject.

So, I am going to go get something good to eat. 2,000 calories today. No more. Thanks for checking in!