Day 15 Fit Test Results

April 12, 2010

Hello you fitness crazies.  I started week 3 of Insanity this morning with the scheduled bi-weekly fit test.   With many of these types of workout programs, there is an engineered fit test at the beginning that you should take to see where you are starting out, and, at the end of the program, you take the fit test again to see some tangible results other than things like weight and mirror image.  With Insanity, you do the fit test every two weeks…which I actually like because you can make adjustments (dig deeper) if you are not seeing some progress. 

So, here are my fit test results for day 15 of Insanity:

  1. Switch kicks —  Day 1 = 35;  Day 15 = 42  (+7)
  2. Power jacks  —  Day 1 = 43; Day 15 = 59  (+16)
  3. Power knees —  Day 1 = 79;  Day 15 = 95  (+16)
  4. Power jumps —  Day 1 = 29;  Day 15 = 31  (+2)
  5. Globe jumps — Day 1 = 7; Day 15 = 9  (+2)
  6. Suicide jumps — Day 1 = 5;  Day 15 = 10  (+5)
  7. Push-up jacks — Day 1 = 13; Day 15 = 23 (+10)
  8. Low Plank Oblique — Day 1 = 37; Day 15 = 41 (+4)

In this workout, you warm-up properly and then get right to it.  You have one minute to do as many of each set as possible.  The link at the beginning of this post gives you an idea of what these moves look like…or you can go to YouTube and see examples of people doing the Insanity Fit Test.

So, I think these results prove that I’ve been working my ass off and that the scale is a fickle bastard.  That’s it for now!  Thanks for checking in!

This is an INTENSE workout. I made it through the first set of continuous moves pretty well, I’d say. I never had to stop and rest…I just went at my own pace, as the workout instructs you to do. I made sure I was going as fast as possible at the end of it. Then, there’s the stretching and that was a nice break and it felt good. The 2nd and 3rd sets of plyo-cardio were increasingly tough and intense. I made it through the 2nd one okay, but then was so tired by the third one that I just had to do my best and forget the rest. The only time I touched the remote was to rewind it back to a move, just because I had to see what to do (since it was my first time and all). They move so quickly that it was a learning session as well.

Insanity is the real deal. You have to be ready to man up, and you have to be ready to push yourself…or “dig deeper.” It’s incredible. I’m eating good and staying with it. After yesterday’s wooziness, I was a little worried. I actually left work early because I got sick, which I’m still not sure it is was related to the workout or not. I was feeling good going into work, so I don’t know. I sort of felt the same way after my first workout of P90X, so I’m not surprised or bothered by it long-term.

Tomorrow is Cardio Power and Resistance. I’ll try to do it early in the morning so I can just relax the rest of the day, though I will need to try to fit in a run too. I am training for a 5K that is May 1st, so I can’t forget about that.

All I have to say is WHOA. Intense….but great! I love the challenge it brings! Shaun T is serious. He leaves no room for excuses, and that is great! It just pushes you to improve over and over.

Overall, I am glad I struggled with part of today’s workout. It gives me something to improve upon…to push toward! I want to look back and see how far I’ve come when this is all said and done.

Thanks for checking in!