Weigh-in Sunday #3

April 18, 2010

Progress Report: Week 3
Weight: 256.2
Weight change this week: -1.6
Total lost in 3 weeks: -4.6

Well…it wasn’t the 2 or 3 that I was hoping for, but I’ll take it. I’m averaging about a pound and a half loss a week, which is gradual but good. I think it’s actually the healthy way to lose weight. Sure, I’d love the bigger losses and I will take them when and if they come….but as long as I’m losing, that’s all that matters.

So, a good way to start off the day. I might weigh myself again later, but then again, I’m probably not going to do it. Rather, I’m good with the loss and I’m just happy that I didn’t gain. I didn’t track calories this past week (even though I was watching what I ate and watching portions) so this week, I think I am going to do that all week long.

Those of you who have had big losses each week, how are you doing it? Steve? Jess? Seth? Anybody? Are you eating very little carbs? Are you just busting your butt? One of my friends who has been a workout buddy for a while has told me that I am probably not losing the weight fast because I am already somewhat cardio-fit. My body has too much weight on it, of course…but my cardiovascular system is in good shape because of my athletic past (soccer, basketball) when I was younger and I’ve been running and have a lot of experience with P90X. So, it’s just a matter of getting this weight off….for good….and maybe that will just take a while.

Thanks for checking in.

Hey there everyone! Today was extremely productive, even though my knees have been feeling a little bit weak. They aren’t painful, just kind of tender…if that makes sense. Anyway, I have decided to just continue on with my workouts regardless….being careful with my knees in the process as much as possible.

So, today, I went out to my favorite park here in the area and ran 5K in 32:14! I was really happy with the time. It was humid and one of the hottest days so far this Spring (80s), but I didn’t want to stop. I am gradually getting back to my old running self again. For a while there, when I was training for the half marathon, I felt like nothing could stop me…but quickly, you find out that the only thing that can stop you is yourself. But I am going again and that’s what matters.

I also got in my Insanity workout…Pure Cardio. It’s pure craziness. I love it though. This program is exactly what I need to get myself into shape. Tomorrow is a Cardio Recovery day…so I can take it slightly easier. But I will also be doing some abs work at some point. I will have to do my workouts early though, because I have to work 2nd shift….boo.

Also, I want a pair of Vibram FiveFingers. And a solid road bike. And a place to swim where there isn’t a bunch of other people around. Is that too much to ask??

Today was Pure Cardio again, and I almost forgot how hard that one was….holy crap. It is incredibly tough. But I just maxed out as much as I could. Big calorie burner. I also plan to go out and do my 5K worth of intervals today as well. I will probably go around 6, so that the temperature is down and the sun is lower. It’s about 79 outside right now, which is beautiful. I run better in cooler temperatures though…60-70 or so. Who doesn’t though, right?

I’m also going to go throw the ball with my dog later, since it is so nice out….I’m sure he’d like that and it’ll just be a good way to take in the day. With summer, though, comes waking up extra early or waiting until close to dusk to run. But at least I CAN run…as opposed to trying to get in 3-5 miles in blistering cold wind and icy conditions all the time.

I ordered body fat calipers and a body measure to keep track of other things besides JUST my weight. I think every two weeks, I will take down my measurements, including my weight. What do you guys think? Is weekly too much to weigh yourself? Is bi-weekly a good middle ground?

I had one of my bosses at work tell me that they were noticing a difference in me physically because of my workouts. I was surprised with how the scale said I’d only lost a pound and I hadn’t noticed any major changes as of yet. But hey, I’ll take it! It was a driving reason behind ordering the calipers and body measure, because people always say that those give more accurate progress readings.

Well, that’s it for now! Keep on keepin’ on, people!

I weighed in this morning and I was afraid of what I might see. I experimented this week with the formula that Insanity suggests for your caloric intake, and it was a lot higher than I thought it should be. But I went with it.

I weighed in with a loss of 1 lb. 1 lb. That’s it. After the tough work of the week and my body aching like no other. I’m a bit disappointed. But I am not quitting. It’s a loss. It’s a start. This week needs to be more. And I’m going to hit it hard and eat 2000 calories a day.

So, this week, I will be cutting my calories down big time. Probably by 500 or more. That it. Thanks for checking in.

Day 2: The Long Haul

March 21, 2010

I like how I am approaching this totally differently. I am not putting up all of these expectations of myself and expecting immediate results. What I am doing is just holding myself accountable and not giving in. I am doing it for as long as it takes….the long haul. And it will surely be a long haul.

But I am not thinking about that so much. I am not worried about December 2010. I am worried about this week. I am worried about now. I approached it all wrong in the past, hence the reason(s) I failed consistently to stick with it. It would become overwhelming….I would find comfort in the bad things….and then, I’d fall off the wagon.

I have accepted who I am at this very moment. I’m heavier than I should be…so be it. I know that if I work hard and stay consistent….that will be temporary. One day at a time. No more than that.

I’ll post later today about how the day goes!

Thanks for checking in!

Pre-Day 1

March 20, 2010

This is a start. The beginning. I am starting anew. I have much to gain….much to lose. Saturday, March 20, 2010….the beginning of the new me.

I will gain everything. I will lose what’s necessary to lose. I will be realistic but hopeful…cautionary yet on the edge…strict yet liberal…an education on balance will emerge…for good.

This is it.

I will be posting my first update today. My stats will be in the sidebar. Expect honesty. Blunt honesty. Success and failure for all to see….because, in the end, there will be a person I have not been able to be as of yet.

Thanks for checking in.